Preguiça de ir buscar minha cachorra no pet shop haha tadinha 57

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A Chibi Pet can be a virtual pet, but you obtain to take care about it like a true one.

Chibi Pets may be purchased whenever you play "TinierMe." Through "TinierMe," you are a Selfy character inside SelfyTown, wherever you may buy any Chibi Pet (which comes for some free Life Stone that indicates how long the Chibi Pet will stay). Once you purchase a Chibi Pet and place the Life Stone on it, you experience to take very good care of it just want you would a real pet. In order to do this, you must feed and bathe the Chibi Pet using specific items that you can purchase or find in the game.

Difficulty: Simple


1 Log with or start a "TinierMe" account and go to the Chibi Pet shop. There you can purchase Chibi Pets and other items, similar as food also grooming supplies.

2 Click on Fortunate Chibi Hunt from the left menu. Here you will find the possibility to perform any game called Fortunate Chibi Hunt, everywhere your Chibi Pet can go digging to reveal items. Some regarding these items may be common while others may be quite rare.

3 Pay attention to the message that looks on screen at the conclusion of your Lucky Chibi Hunt game. If it tells you that tomorrow feels lucky, subsequently produce certainly to log in the next daytime, as this may mean you will obtain a rare piece that day.

Suggestions & Warnings


TinierMe Wiki: Chibi Pets TinerMe: The Lucky Chibi Hunt


TinierMe Chibi Pet Shop

Photo Credit John Howard/Lifesize/Getty Images ;

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