Technical Overview, GPMDB Updates

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In the workflow below, script names are in bold and database table names are in italic.


  1. calls function set_lock
    1. filesystem change: makes a lock file
  2. calls system "gzip"
    1. filesystem change: unzips all xml files in archive directory
  3. calls script
    1. filesystem change: removes some data from xml files in archive directory
  4. calls function archive_files
    1. filesystem change: copies files from archive directory to their proper subdirectory.
  5. calls function gzip_files
    1. filesystem change: gzips all xml files in archive directory.
  6. calls function ftp_archive
    1. calls system "ftp" on file list for each client server.
  7. calls function process_archives
    1. calls script
      1. for each GPM file in archive directory
      2. calls script
        1. parses the xml file for data to add to the gpmdb tables:
          1. tables inserted into: result, proseq, protein, peptide, aa
          2. tables updated/inserted into: best_expect
          3. calls script
            1. parses the xml file for data to add to enspmapdb
              1. tables inserted into or updated: gpmnotes
  8. calls function ftp_statistics
    1. calls system “ftp” to send statistics file to each client server
      1. filesystem change: creates and deletes ftp script
  9. calls function update_slaves
    1. uses LWP to trigger script on each client server
      1. calls function update_words
  10. calls script
    1. script for updating the peptide_words_index table for faster tag searches
    2. calls script
      1. checks for peptide sequences not yet added to peptide_words table, and creates a new file if oldest found file is out of date.
      2. Filesystem change: may add a file to the log directory containing nonredundant list of peptide sequences added since last update.
      3. calls script
        1. queries for pepids newer that previous max pepid to add to peptide_words table
          1. tables inserted into: peptide_word_index
  11. calls function update_peptide_mutations
    1. script for updating the peptide_mut table.
    2. calls script
      1. calls script
        1. generates list of recently-added files, peptides, proteins and spectrum id that contain mutations, if any.
        2. Filesystem change: may add a file to the pep_mut directory that contains location information of peptides that contain a mutation.
      2. calls script
        1. updates the database with mutation information in the just-added files.
          1. Tables inserted into: peptide_mut
  12. calls function cleanup_files
    1. cleans up the archive directory
    2. calls system "del"
      1. filesystem change: deletes the gzip files in the base archive directory.
  13. calls function remove_lock
      1. filesystem change: deletes the lock file
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