Technical Overview, mem mods table

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The mem_mods table in the peakdb database is used to generate the MRM for protein and peptide information in GPMDB.

The main difference between this table and the other tables that make up the GPM is that it is a memory table; the contents of this table reside in the database server's memory, to increase the response time for queries involving these tables.

The contents of this table are updated manually, when new source data files are generated.


  • rowid: the unique identifier for a row of data.
  • pepid: the unqiue identifier for a specific peptide. A single peptide may have more than one row of data in this table.
  • modification: the amount of the modification, in Daltons.
  • pos: the 1-based location of the modificaiton, numbered from the beginning of the peptide, not the beginning of the protein.
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