Technical Overview, dblist

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This searches GPMDB for instances of identified peptides that match a given residue sequence.

The required argument is seq, which is the residue sequence for which to search. Optional arguments are proex, and tag. The proex argument is used to construct links to protein-level information and defaults to -1 if not supplied. The tag argument controls if the search is for a peptide that matches the given sequence exactly; if it is set to "yes", a subsequence search is conducted. Search results are shown paged, 20 results at a time.

Display Elements

  • the navigation links of numbers, corresponding to 20-result groups.
  • #: the result count.
  • log(e): the expect value of the peptide identification. This is the base-10 logarithm of the chance that this peptide identification was a random match. E.g., if the expect value is -3.0, the odds of this identification not being accurate are 1 in 1000.
  • m+h: the mass of the peptide as measured by the instrument which generated the initial data file (e.g., MS/MS).
  • delta: the difference between the experimentally derived mass and the theoretically predicted mass of the peptide based on the residue sequence.
  • z: the charge state of the peptide as measured by the instrument which generated the initial data file (e.g., MS/MS).
  • peptide: the peptide sequence. If this was a "tag" search, the portion of the peptide which matches the subsequence provided will be bolded.

This script uses the following tables: result, protein, peptide, proseq, paths, aa. If a "tag" search was performed, peptide_word_index.

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